The Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) Adult School will temporarily move to Vallco Mall. Sand Hill Property Company, the owner of the mall, has offered the FUHSD Adult School to occupy some of the obsolete spaces at the mall rent-free during the planned construction and modernization of the current FUHSD facilities at 589 W. Fremont Avenue, Sunnyvale. According to the school district’s recent press release, the free use of these facilities will allow the District and its taxpayers to save a total of more than $4 million in temporary rental fees.
Peter Pau, Principal and Founder of Sand Hill Property Company, felt it was imperative to ensure the continuation of the program. He said, “the Adult School is of tremendous value to our area providing local adults skills needed to thrive at a time when jobs are very competitive and the cost of living is incredibly high. We couldn’t bear to see this important need go unmet.”
Construction on the new facility is set to begin in Spring 2018. Until then, the FUHSD Adult School will be temporarily located at the Vallco Mall for three to four years, with a total of twelve to fifteen classrooms.
Superintendent Polly Bove was delighted to hear that Sand Hill Property offered to house the Adult School program temporarily, as there are currently 16,000 adult students who depend on it. She explained, “the FUHSD Adult School is actually our largest program, providing critical assistance and support to members of the community in many areas – from English as a second language and citizenship, to Career Technical Education and employment skills.”
For more information about the FUHSD Adult School, visit their website.