Tragedy struck Monday evening in Santa Clara’s Koreatown when an unhoused man died after being hit by a car.
The accident occurred in the parking lot at 3755 El Camino Real – home to Citi Bank and the Fish Market. According to police, a 2019 Toyota Camry pulled into a parking space in the lot at around 4:30 p.m. As the car backed out of the stall, it turned, running over the unhoused individual who was sleeping off to the side of the parking space.
Investigators say the driver claims to have been unaware of the man sleeping on the ground. The driver stayed on scene throughout the investigation. Police do not suspect alcohol or drugs played a role in the event.
Police say a car hit the same unhoused man at the same location on Sunday as well. Following Sunday’s incident medical teams transported him to the hospital for moderate injuries. County Office of Supportive Housing staff say they had attempted to provide the man with services just last week.
The man, whose name has not been released, was 74 years old.