Bicycle and walking enthusiasts in Cupertino might want to take an online survey being conducted by the City this month.
The City of Cupertino is asking residents to make their voices heard on a “feasibility study” about the Carmen Road Pedestrian-Bicycle Bridge.
According to the City, the proposed bridge would provide a “grade-separated structure envisioned to provide a vital connection for pedestrians and bicyclists for the neighborhoods north and south of Stevens Creek Boulevard between Foothill Boulevard and Phar Lap Drive. The bridge, which would continue the existing alignment of Carmen Road across Stevens Creek Boulevard, would allow easy and safe access to and from residences, schools, parks and recreation centers, as well as create a Safe Routes to School gateway for Stevens Creek Elementary School.”
A public meeting for residents to share their thoughts is also scheduled for Jan. 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Monta Vista Recreation Center, 22601 Voss Ave. According to the City, this meeting will have an open house format and residents can drop in during the event window.
The City says the bridge was identified as a potential project in the 2016 Cupertino Bicycle Transportation Plan.
The survey is available on the City website between now and Jan. 31. The City is seeking ideas, comments, and fielding questions. At press time, the survey already had more than 80 comments from residents.
For more information and to take the survey, click here.