Mountain View’s Shoreline Lake is now fully open to the public following a significant improvement project planned since 2021. Lake Improvements Project Monday, fully reopening Shoreline Lake to the public.
Shoreline Lake is a 50-acre, manmade saltwater lake filled by waters pumped from the San Francisco Bay that flow back out to Permanente Creek in Mountain View. The City’s environmental restoration effort included upgrades to docks and erosion control around the lake.
The Silicon Shores Corporation, which manages operations of the Shoreline Lake Boathouse and American Bistro, announced the project’s completion earlier this week, along with plans to “ramp up” operations at both facilities, restoring weekday access to pre-construction levels.
Members of the public can now enjoy weeklong access to all lake facilities and amenities, including activities such as pedal boating, vessel launching, private watersports classes and clinics, and organized water-based team building events, as well as picnicking and access around the lake, and increased operations at the Boathouse and American Bistro.
The improvements occurred during the winter to minimize impacts on wildlife and visitor access. Some of this work required the relocation of equipment in parking lots, which spurred closures. The announcement on Monday fully reopens these parking lots to the public.