Santa Clara County lifts mask requirements on March 2; schools to follow state’s March 12 date

On Tuesday, March 1, the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department ended its indoor mask requirement for most settings effective March 2, and announced that all masking metrics have been met.  However, the County Health Officer strongly recommends that all persons continue to wear face coverings when indoors, and that businesses and governmental entities likewise continue to require use of face coverings indoors, according to a statement issued today.

 “While indoor masking in public spaces will no longer be required, it still makes sense to do,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer for Santa Clara County. “Wearing a mask is part of working together to protect others, especially the most vulnerable among us.”

Masks will still be required in higher-risk settings such as public transit, healthcare facilities, shelters, jails, and long-term care facilities, according to guidance from the California Department of Public Health.

The County also deferred to the State’s guidance on masking in schools and childcare settings, which calls for an end to mask requirements effective March 12, but strongly encourages the continued use of masks in classroom and daycare settings. The County has followed state protocols in these settings since mid-2020.

All eligible persons are strongly urged to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 as soon as possible, as vaccination is deemed the best way to protect the vaccinated person from infection, hospitalization, or death from COVID-19, as well as to prevent harm to others by reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

For information on the State’s masking guidance, visit: