Electric car charging station funds come to Santa Clara County

A number of local energy providers have teamed up, with state funding, to support more electric car charging stations.

The City of Palo Alto Utilities, San José Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, and Silicon Valley Power are working with the California Energy Commission on the project, which has $35 million in funding for Santa Clara County.

“As more Californians choose to drive EVs and the state transitions to an electric transportation system, there is a continued need for available charging stations,” the group said in a media release.

Officials hope the larger network of electric vehicle chargers will reduce emissions. Transportation – mainly cars and trucks – are the state’s largest source of climate change-inducing emissions.

“Providing better access to charging stations will help accelerate EV adoption,” said County Supervisor Susan Ellenberg. Ellenberg also serves on the board of Silicon Valley Clean Energy, a local community choice aggregator.

Other leaders praised the local partnerships involved in the deal.

“Working with local partners ensures infrastructure is installed in where it’s needed most,” said Patty Monahan, California Energy Commissioner.

The program, known as CALeVIP provides $480,000 grants per fast charging station. $120,000 is available for Level 2 charging stations that provide slower refilling. Fast chargers provide 100 miles of range per hour of charging, at a minimum. Level 2 chargers provide 15-35 miles per hour of charging.

Funding comes from the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program.