Residents in part of northern Santa Clara will soon have a new construction project to navigate.
PG&E is set to start upgrades to pressure-regulating equipment, according to an announcement from the city.
The project, which begins Monday, September 14, is centered around their station near Lafayette St. and Hogan Dr. Work is expected to last until January 2021.
According to the city, residents may head “a loud steady noise and may notice the smell of natural gas.” That is a result of PG&E emptying gas lines to complete its work. PG&E does not expect residential gas service to be interrupted.
Lane closures may be possible on Lafayette St., a busy corridor connecting Hwys. 101 and 234. Delays are likely along the corridor over the coming weeks and months.
Residents with questions can contact Crystal Jewell at PG&E by emailing here or calling 408-725-2240. PG&E’s general service number is 1-800-743-5000.