Paving season in Cupertino is set to begin the week of June 11, and about 12 percent of the city’s roads are set to be resurfaced this summer.
City Council has approved a $3.07 million contract to resurface the streets, with a portion of funding coming from the gas tax bill SB1.
The project will upgrade approximately 8.5 miles of residential roads. Another 4.5 miles are expected to be awarded later this season.
Some improvements have already been made to Cupertino roads, such as the installation of ADA-accessible curb ramps on street corners and the removal and replacement of sidewalks, but improvements to bike lanes are still in the works, and are expected be completed through the resurfacing project.
The resurfacing project will create a safer environment for bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists.
For more information, click here.