Santa Clara Station Area Task Force accepting applications through Jan. 10

Flyer courtesy of the City of Santa Clara.

Applications to serve on the Santa Clara Station Area Task Force (SATF) are due January 10, 2023.

SATF is an eleven-member advisory board tasked with providing input on future development plans for a 244-acre development centered around the existing Santa Clara Station. Learn more about the project here.

The station is currently served by Caltrain, Altamont Commuter Express rail lines, and VTA bus services, and will become the terminus for the VTA’s planned extension of the BART system.

The SATF is a non-voting advisory group that will meet about once monthly over the course of the planning process.

The City Council is scheduled to appoint the advisory body on January 31. The City is accepting applications for a transportation advocate, business representative, and member at large.

Interested in joining the task force? Apply online here.