The City of Cupertino has released a draft of its 6th Cycle Housing Element and is inviting public comment through December 23.
The draft is available for review on the City’s website. A physical copy of the draft housing element is also available for public review at City Hall, Community Development Department at 10300 Torre Avenue. Call (408) 777-3308 to make an appointment to view the document. Written comments can be made in person, by mail or via email to and must be made prior to the December 23 deadline.
The housing element is required by the state under the City’s General Plan. The element must be updated every eight years and includes goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs that address the maintenance, preservation, improvement and development of housing within the City. It is also updated to comply with state law. The housing element also identifies potential development sites for new housing at all income levels. This cycle, the city is required to plan for an additional 4,588 new housing units.
The draft will be available for a 30-day public review and comment period. After the comment period closes on December 23, the City will review and consider all comments received and will revise the element for consideration and final adoption by the Cupertino Planning Commission and City Council.
The final element will go into effect from 2023 through 2031.