Open house to review Downtown Santa Clara revitalization plan

Flyer courtesy of the City of Santa Clara.

Santa Clara residents have another opportunity later this month to provide feedback on a city plan to revitalize a portion of Santa Clara’s Downtown area.

Community members are invited to join the city in-person on Saturday, November 19 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Mission Branch Library to review the Precise Plan and Form Based Zoning Code final draft documents. No virtual attendance option is available.

The final revised Draft Precise Plan document can be viewed online here. Materials and summaries of past community engagement activities can be reviewed here.

The Downtown Precise Plan planning area encompasses approximately 25 acres of land bounded by Benton Street, Lafayette Street, Homestead Road, and Madison Street. Planning began in October 2019 through a community-led process. The revitalization proposed for Downtown emphasizes “placemaking” and aims to serve as a pedestrian-oriented gathering place for all Santa Clarans.

Next steps include Planning Commission and City Council study sessions, expected to begin in April 2023, and completion of the Environmental Impact Report in May 2023. A detailed list of outstanding tasks to  be completed ahead of Council approval can be found here.

For any comments or questions please contact City staff, Lesley Xavier at