Santa Clara will hold a virtual community meeting on June 1 from 6 to 7 p.m. to hear about potential bicycle and intersection improvements near the Civic Center on Scott Boulevard, Warburton Avenue, Monroe Street, Lincoln Street, and Lafayette Street.
Meeting Details
- Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 6 – 7 p.m.
- Zoom Webinar:
- Meeting ID: 827 2691 0036
- Phone: 877-853-5257 (Toll Free)
Santa Clara approved an ambitious Bicycle Master Plan in 2019 that lays out plans to expand the city’s bicycle-friendly pathways from 70 miles to 142 miles and raise the number of people commuting by bike from 1.8 percent of the population to 5 percent by 2026.
Design bicycle facilities that are accessible and
comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.
Identify, develop, and maintain a complete and
convenient bicycle network.
Bicycle Friendliness
Increase bicycling as a comfortable and convenient
transportation option through citywide programs
and initiatives that encourage and celebrate a
strong bicycling culture, educates all roadway
users, enforces safe behaviors, and evaluates the
city’s progress in achieving its vision.
Santa Clara prioritizes 40 areas in the city it wants to make more bicycle-friendly. The city hopes to complete improvement projects for the top 10 of those areas by 2026. The improvement of Scott Boulevard from Monroe Street to Saratoga Avenue is ranked third on the top 10 list, while the fix for Lincoln Street between Warburton Avenue and Homestead Road is ranked 10th. The rest of the projects under examination are scattered about the top 40.
Santa Clara expects to spend close to $40 million completing the projects laid out in the Bicycle Master Plan.