The City of Santa Clara is currently seeking feedback from the community on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provides for a 45-day comment period for the DEIR, which will end on Sept. 13. Comments can be sent to View the DEIR here, and the full draft of the Patrick Henry Specific Plan here.
The City’s General Plan designated the Patrick Henry Drive area in northern Santa Clara as a target area for high-density developments. According to the City, “several existing office parks would be transformed into a cohesive, high-density mixed-use community that fosters economic vitality, helps ameliorate the State’s housing shortage, and enhances the quality of life for those who live, work, and recreate in the area.”
The approximately 74-acre planning area is bordered by Calabazas Creek, Mission Community College, Great America Parkway and the SFPUC right of way. There are two potential scenarios for development. Scenario A proposes 12,000 residential units, 150,000 SF of retail space, 90,000 SF of flex space, 70,000 SF of community space, no office space, and 16.2 acres of parks/open space. Scenario B includes 10,300 residential units, 150,000 SF of retail space, 90,000 SF of flex space, 70,000 SF of community space, 785,000 SF of office space, and 14 acres of parks/open space, according to the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan draft.
There are five classifications for land use in the plan: (1) Very High Density Residential; (2) Urban Village; (3) Urban Center; (4) High-Density Flex; (5) Parks and Open Space. There is also a Mixed-Use Overlay designation, which refers to residential developments with ground floor spaces designated for retail, flex, or community use.
The Patrick Henry Drive developments will feature a portion of income-restricted affordable housing units. However, specific requirements for affordable housing are yet to be determined, although they are expected to exceed citywide requirements in order to help the City meet its overall goals for affordable housing.
Residents who wish to be added to the Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan email list should contact Senior Planner Rebecca Bustos at