Magical Bridge Playground in Palo Alto fully opens to the public this Saturday

Photo courtesy of Magical Bridge Foundation

With Santa Clara County’s advancement into the Yellow Tier due to significant improvements towards herd immunity against COVID-19, Palo Alto’s Parks and Recreation team is fully reopening the Magical Bridge Park in Palo Alto to the community.

Beginning Saturday, May 22, the playground will be open to the public from sunrise to sunset, seven days a week.

Recommended safety guidelines still apply, such as mask-wearing, social distancing, restricting food and drinks, and the 30-minute time limit, but will now rely on self-adherence. Guests will be able to enter and exit through any gate and the park will no longer be locked after hours. Visit here for a full list of the new playground guidelines.

Magical Bridge is heralded as the nation’s most innovative and inclusive playground, attracting visitors of all ages and all abilities. The flagship Magical Bridge Playground opened to the public in April 2015 in Mitchell Park in Palo Alto.