School Openings: Campbell Union High School District welcomes students back on campus

The Campbell Union High School District welcomed a portion of students and staff back on campus on Monday, April 12.

Approximately 1,500 9th graders and prioritized students are returning to campus this week to participate in hybrid learning while the remainder of students continue in distance learning.

As part of the District’s Level 3 Phased Return to In-Person Instruction, students participating in the hybrid program will be divided into two groups with each group attending classes on campus for two days a week. An additional group of students will return to campus for hybrid learning on Thursday and Friday. 

At a minimum, students on campus will participate in supervised online learning. In supervised online learning, students report to their classrooms and the teachers continue to provide instruction through Zoom while both the students in person and their classmates learn online. Additional learning models may be selected to enhance the experience for students, according to the District’s website.

On Monday, students and staff were welcomed by school administrators at designated entrances with balloons and streamers, marking a milestone in the District’s phased return plan. The District had been proactively preparing for the safe return of students and staff for months, including: 

  • Distributing and maintaining supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and sanitation equipment
  • Preparing classrooms to meet social distance guidelines
  • Equipping classrooms and large indoor spaces with MERV-13 HVAC filters or portable HEPA filters 
  • Training school site and district administrators on the latest guidance from the state and county health departments on positive COVID-19 cases and screening procedures
  • Designating entry points and screening procedures 
  • Implementing employee COVID-19 testing at District and school sites

Based on the success of the Level 3 program and adequate staffing, hybrid programs are scheduled to begin for the remaining grade levels at comprehensive school sites on April 26, a part of Level 4 of the Phased Return to In-Person Instruction Plan. 

For more information on the District’s Reopening Plans, click here.