Officials announced today that the County of Santa Clara Health System and several other vaccine providers throughout the county will begin providing COVID-19 vaccines to any county resident age 65 and older, regardless of their healthcare provider or insurance.
“The ‘no wrong door’ approach we are implementing is designed to get available vaccines into arms as quickly and equitably as possible in order to save lives,” said Dr. Jeff Smith, County Executive for the County of Santa Clara.
In Santa Clara County, 81 percent of COVID-related deaths have been among those age 65 and up. The County is prioritizing vaccinations for those at greatest risk of death or serious illness, officials said.
The County continues to expand capacity at new and existing vaccination sites to help ensure equitable access to vaccine, especially among the most impacted populations. Sites include in Gilroy and East San José as well as the County’s own clinics and through partnerships with community clinics.
Residents can make appointments with providers across the country through Residents without internet access or who need assistance can call the Valley Connection Call Center at 408-970-2000. Hours are 7am to 9pm Monday through Friday and 8am to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Assistance is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and other languages.