Simitian continuing telephone town hall series Sunday

Building on his series of events, Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian is hosting another telephone town hall Sunday.

The event, set for 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 28, will discuss the status of COVID-19 response in the county. It follows similar events in April and May.

As per his other events, local officials will join Simitian on the call.

  • Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, Chief of Infection Control, Stanford University
  • James Williams, Santa Clara County Counsel

In early April, Simitian hosted a call with a similar group of officials, in addition to U.S. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo.

While Santa Clara’s number of COVID-19 hospitalizations has remained relatively stable in recent weeks, case numbers are rising. That comes as the county has continued its slow, but steady reopening.

To participate in Sunday’s call, register by in advance at this link.

For those unable to register in advance, the event will be live streamed online here.