City of Santa Clara opens application for rental assistance program

Another grim report about housing in Santa Clara County

The economic turmoil from the COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive unemployment, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet.

The City of Santa Clara has launched a program aimed at helping some residents who have fallen behind on rent.

Through its Emergency Rental Assistance Program, the city is focused on low-income households at or below 60% of AMI.

To be eligible, families must reside in the City of Santa Clara. Past due rent must be from April, May, June or July. Applicants must also demonstrate their ability to pay moving forward and have an agreement in place with their property owner. Household income cannot exceed 60% of area median income.

Applications are due by Tuesday, June 30, at the city’s portal here.

After the deadline, the city will assign each application a random number and make selections through a lottery. The Bill Wilson Center will run the verification process and administer the program.

Approximately 200 families will receive awards, funded by the federal CARES Act.

To see more information about this program, click here.