After decades of planning and years of construction, BART is edging closer to the West Valley.
Two new stations – the first in Santa Clara – are set to open for service on Saturday, June 13. The $2.3 billion expansion of the Warm Springs / South Fremont Line includes two new stations: Milpitas and Berryessa.
While construction of the extension began in 2012, it took an extra five years to complete. Funding came from a 2004 Santa Clara County voter-imposed sales tax, and more than $1.2 billion in total from state and federal sources.
The new Milpitas station is just southeast of the Great Mall, at the corner of Montague Expy and E Capitol Ave. It is part of the expanded Milpitas Transit Center, which has connections to VTA buses and VTA light rail.
Berryessa’s new station abuts the San Jose Flea Market. It also has VTA bus connections onsite. Both the Milpitas and Berryessa station areas have seen significant transit-oriented housing growth in recent years, with more planned.
Planning for future BART growth into San Jose continues
For commuters across the West Valley, expanded service to Berryessa is a step in the right direction. It is a far cry, however, from the full service still planned all the way to Santa Clara.
Under that plan, BART trains would enter a tunnel a half mile south of the Berryessa Station, near Hwy-101.
New stations are planned at 28th Street / Little Portugal and Downtown San Jose, with the line traveling under Santa Clara St. A new BART stop at Diridon Station would connect to Caltrain, Amtrak, ACE, VTA, and eventual High Speed Rail service. The line would then turn northwest, finishing at Santa Clara Station, providing a link to San Jose Airport.
Another station, between Warm Springs and Milpitas, located at Calaveras Blvd. in Milpitas is also in the plans. It won’t proceed until planners can identify further funding sources.
A full build out of service through Downtown San Jose to Santa Clara is likely at least a decade away. Currently, BART says San Jose service is expected in 2030.