The annual Sunnyvale Rotary Crab Feed, a major fundraiser for community programs, is set for this weekend.
The crab feed, like others in the West Valley, is a tradition where residents and community leaders join together for a meal in support of a host of good causes.
This year’s feed, hosted at St. Cyprian Catholic Church School, 1133 W. Washington Ave., is Saturday, January 18.
In addition to crabs, pasta, salads, bread, and more will be available for dinner. The event kicks off at 5 p.m. before wrapping up at 7:30.
Donations per ticket range from $65 per adult (ages 13 and up) to $30 for those 8-12. Entry is free for children 7 years old and under. $30 of each ticket is tax deductible. Tickets paid by check should be made out to the Sunnyvale Rotary Foundation.
For more information, contact Michelle Lewis at 408-921-1200 or see the poster below, courtesy of Sunnyvale Rotary.