Redwood Grove preservation event Saturday

Continuing their ongoing efforts to clean up habitats across Santa Clara County, including McClellan Ranch in Cupertino, Byrne Preserve in Los Altos Hills, San Francisquito Creek, Pearson-Arastradero Preserve, and San Tomas Aquino Creek, Grassroots Ecology is set to hold a Sorrel Saturdays event this weekend at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos.

The event series, slated for the first Saturday of each month this year, will help restore the banks of Adobe Creek and the Redwood Grove area. Activities may include mulching, weeding, staking, and installing native plants.

Saturday’s event, January 4, is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Parking is available on University Ave. near the preserve, 482 University Ave. Several VTA bus routes run to the corner of El Monte and University, a few blocks from the preserve.

All events are rain or shine, and organizers recommend attendees bring water bottles, close-toed shoes or workboots, and long pants. Gloves, tools, and a light snack will be provided.

To see more information or to sign up, click here.