Interfaith Unity Gathering Wednesday in Sunnyvale

Following last month’s car attack that injured eight pedestrians, Sunnyvale leaders and the community are joining forces for an interfaith unity gathering Wednesday evening.

Sunnyvale is collaborating with nonprofits, religious groups, and the Islamic Networks Group for the gathering. The event’s stated goal is to show solidarity and embrace the diversity present in the city’s communities.

The event will feature an interfaith and intercultural dialogue, with a number of panelists representing religious and legal organizations. Other speakers on the agenda include former State Assemblymember Rich Gordon, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein, and Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors President Joe Simitian. An Iftar celebration will close the event.

Sunnyvale Senior Center, 550 E. Remington Drive, will host the event Wednesday, May 29, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For more details, click here or here.