Santa Clara County’s National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month showcase will take place on April 25 at the Santa Clara County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder Park Drive.
Teachers, parents, educators and the rest of the community are encouraged to celebrate Santa Clara County’s commitment to educational equity and successful programs for bilingual/multilingual learners.
According to the Multilingual & Humanities Education website, “school districts and charter schools that have adopted a board resolution since May 2018 for either honoring students with Pathways and Seal of Biliteracy Awards or supporting the national My Name, My Identity Initiative will be honored at the showcase. ”
The purpose of the showcase is to honor the rich assets of bilingual/multilingual learners, as well as recognize champions advocating for bilingual/multilingual learners.
For more information, click here or contact Keysha Doutherd at