Cupertino High School student Varun Shenoy was among four high school students selected across the United States by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) for the Cutler-Bell prize.
The ACM/CTSA Cutler-Bell Prize recognizes talented students in computer science and is intended to ” promote and encourage the field of computer science, as well as to empower young and aspiring learners to pursue computing challenges outside of the traditional classroom environment,” according to their website.
Shenoy’s vision is to develop an effective method to diagnose the onset of wound complications during surgical operations using computer science. The design process was splitmobile application, and documenting the results of the research.
Each prize winner received a $10,000 cash prize, which is sent to the financial aid office of the higher education institution the student will be attending next year, and is then put toward their tuition or disbursed.
This year’s Cutler-Bell prize winners will be formally recognized at the Computer Science Teacher’s Association 2019 Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ on July 7-10.
For more information about the Cutler-Bell prize winners, click here.