County Sheriff candidates featured in upcoming forum

The League of Women Voters Southwest Santa Clara Valley is hosting a forum on Oct. 8.

The League of Women Voters Southwest Santa Clara Valley is hosting a forum on Oct. 8 where residents of Cupertino and the greater West Valley can hear from the two candidates for Santa Clara County’s top cop on Nov. 6.

Incumbent Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith is being challenged by retired County undersheriff John Hirokawa. The free and open-to-the-public forum will see candidates take questions from a moderator and selected questions from the audience.

The forum will run from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will be held in the Cupertino civic center’s community hall, 10350 Torre Ave.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization acting to influence public policy through education and advocacy. 

The City of Cupertino contracts with the Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services. The Sheriff’s Office West Valley Division is located at 1601 S De Anza Blvd #148 in Cupertino.