Cupertino residents invited to tour proposed creek trail

Creek Trail Cupertino - kid riding a bike

Cupertino residents are invited for a tour of the proposed new creek trail that will run from Pacific Drive, behind Cupertino City Hall and then down to Blaney Avenue.

On Saturday, Nov. 18, city staff and engineers will lead morning (10 a.m.) and afternoon (1 p.m.) walking tours of the planned Rengart Creek Trail. Residents are asked to meet at the access gates on Rodrigues Avenue, near the Cupertino City Hall parking lot. See the flyer below for more information.

The proposed Regnart Creek bike and pedestrian trail is an off-street link that will provide an important segment for The Cupertino Loop connecting Cupertino High School/Barnhart neighborhoods with the Library and then continue onto the Monta Vista High neighborhoods.

The new trail will make it safer for students and residents who will be away from busy streets and provide a healthier, pleasant route alternative, according to Walk-Bike Cupertino, which supports the trail’s creation.

“While neighbors adjacent to the creek will likely have concerns and issues about safety and privacy, we trust that the city and the community will have a constructive dialogue and solutions to any concerns that might arise,” according to Walk-Bike Cupertino.